Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Long day of studying, presenting, exam taking, and studying some more.

First, I went back to Starbucks near the Basilica to study for my exam I had at 6pm tonight.

Then I headed over to the Buda side campus to my Resources of Viticulture class where I presented on Napa Valley wine region. One Italian in our class presented on a specific wine, Vin Santo (I think it was called), and then he actually brought a bottle of it homemade. It had no label on it or anything - straight from the growers. We were all able to try it and it was like nothing I've ever tasted before. It was really dark in color for a white wine and the smell was incredible. It was really sweet and really heavy. I couldn't have a whole glass of it I don't think. The after taste was amazing - it stayed in my mouth until I ate something else. It tasted like walnuts and honey. So delicious.

After that class, I went back to the Pest side campus to study in a coffee shop outside my school before having to take my exam at 6pm. Anthony, Ben, and Ana stopped by for a second to keep me company, and Anthony gave me a key to his place since the keypad thing to ring in wasn't working. I was planning on going over to his flat after my exam to start studying for our Thursday exams. We both have the same two exams on Thursday. Tonight's exam killed me. It was everything I didn't really study and I felt like I made up all the answers... I think I did okay, but not too great. I'll know on Friday how I did. After the exam, I stopped by Tesco because I was starving and bought 2 bananas. I ate them before even getting to Anthony's flat. Once I got there, the boys decided to make dinner and because they know I'm short on money, they said they'll be kind and feed the homeless (meaning me) tonight. I told them they did not have to do that, but they were more than happy. They even made a vegan meal since I was there - tofu, veggies, and rice. I really appreciated it and couldn't ask for better friends here! While they cooked I played three games of solitaire and finally on the last game I won!

After a delicious meal, we had some coffee so that we could wake up and actually focus on studying. Anthony and I went into his room and went through 2 of the 5 powerpoint slide shows for our Services Marketing class. We ended up doing a lot less than we planned, but when you put us together, we just end up talking too much. I'm studying with Anthony though because his computer crashed and he doesn't have a computer to use, and as of yesterday they have no internet at their place. So he really needs my help and it's more fun to study with someone else. Tomorrow I'm going to study on my own just to make sure I know the majority of the stuff, and then I will head back over to their place around 4 to finish up studying.

Tonight was a lot of fun and made me realize how blessed I am to have made the friends I made here. They are wonderful, and more than I could have ever asked for. I'm really not sure what I'm going to do without these people. Anthony reminded me tonight that I have three more days with him. THREE. Him and a lot of other people are leaving early Saturday morning for Croatia and won't be back until after I leave. I really started to tear up but forced myself not to think about it. I'm going to be a mess Saturday morning saying goodbye to them. I can't even believe the semester is coming to an end.

This song keeps running through my head:
"You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times. So take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this."


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