Sunday, May 5, 2013


...continued from post 18:

So we were at Doboz, which means box in Hungarian by the way, and we were dancing our butts off. Sarah and Ben wanted to leave around 4am and I was just going to go with them and I even said goodbye to everyone but on my way out I realized I probably won't be up that late any other time so I might as well just stick it out for the sunrise! I ended up going back and dancing for a little longer and then I realized I would freeze since I was wearing a skirt, so I ran back home and changed into pants and a sweatshirt and then ran back to Doboz. I met everyone outside and we were ready to head over to the chain bridge for sunrise - it was about 4:30am at this point. One problem, Anthony didn't follow both Miguels out of the club, so we were waiting for him and decided to call his phone. I called him and then all of a sudden I hear Ben on the other end... I thought I made the wrong call and then Ben said Anthony left his phone at home. Glad to know Ben got home safely, though.
So we just waited, we couldn't get back in - especially because I was now wearing a sweat shirt and finally Anthony and his sweet friend from home (visiting for the weekend) came out and we started to walk really fast so we wouldn't miss the sunrise. Anna and Anne left us because they wanted to make it in time! We had about a 20 minute walk and the light was already coming up - it was beautiful! Here are some pictures from the morning:

My more than amazing friends!

Flatmate, Ana early early this morning!

Really not uncommon to be deliriously laughing at 6:30 in the morning!

Love these people - see the sunrise on the left?

Castle at 6:30 in the morning. Absolutely beautiful!

Call me crazy but this was such an awesome experience! I got home around 6:45am and crashed. Slept until around 2pm today.. Kind of a wasted day, but it was totally worth it! Now time to start studying for finals... hmm about that. 

Emily comes in 5 DAYS!


and Happy birthday to a beautiful angel, Natalie Baine. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of how precious life is. Hope you're having the greatest 21st birthday up there!

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